Novelda X7 UWB SoC sensor is the solution of choice for Automotive Suppliers who develop and build child presence detection (CPD), seat occupancy detection and people positioning in-car systems. Other functions that can be implemented in software with this sensor include ultra-low-power intrusion detection, open-trunk (or slide door) through kick-sensing and driver vital signs monitoring.
Novelda will also demonstrate the world’s most energy efficient radar sensor, NOVELDA UWB X7 ULPP (Ultra-Low Power Presence) Sensor.
The most reliable human presence sensing
NOVELDA UWB radar sensor technology offers the most reliable human presence detection available and is useful in a wide range of devices in several markets, spanning across Automotive, Smart Home, Industrial, Consumer Electronics and Digital Health.
The extreme sensor reliability is illustrated by Novelda customers within Digital Health like the multi-time CES award winner Xandar Kardian using Novelda UWB sensors for vital signs monitoring, where precision is vital.
In the finals for Best of Sensors Award
Novelda is a finalist in the prestigious IoT category at Sensors Converge 2024. For 30 years, the Best of Sensors Awards has shone a spotlight on the best and most innovative products, technologies, teams, and people in the sensors industry.

Demonstration of partner solutions
There will also be multiple demonstrations using partner solutions at the Novelda booth #505 during Sensors Converge: A kick-sensing demonstration by Mobile Techno Group, vital sings monitoring by Hunan Zennze and Xandar Kardian, hand gesture recognition by True Sense and multi people tracking demo by Algorized.
Possible to win a Novelda development kit
Novelda also launches a competition to award the most innovative and commercially sound solution using NOVELDA X4 UWB Radar Sensor Development Kit.